Writing From Soul Workshop
Discovering your Soul Voice
Available spots
Service Description
Did you know that all the answers that you ever need are in your Soul? The wisdom in each of us can remain untapped for years, even a lifetime. You are more powerful than you realise. Once you understand how easy it is to tap into and trust your Soul's guidance, you will learn to use it as a daily practice to find your answers within rather than looking externally. Soul writing is for anyone who has just begun their spiritual practice or is a seasoned traveller. It is sometimes called 'automatic writing,' sourced from the unconscious mind, the doorway into the Soul or higher self. Benefits of Soul writing are: 1. You gain direct guidance from your Soul/Higher Self. 2. Your intuitive abilities are sharpened, honed and developed. 3. Improved ability to trust your instincts and intuition. 4. You'll have more clarity in your daily life as you seek answers from within. 5. Soul writing is a calming practice and a form of mindfulness that opens the mind. You will grow in personal power and confidence once you practice and trust your Soul's guidance and allow it to guide your life. From my own experiences, Soul writing allowed me to gain perspective on some of the most challenging periods of my life. I now understand the power and phenomenal wisdom of the Soul and want to share it with you. In this 3-hour ONLINE guided workshop, I will show you how to use this technique daily. The online workshop will cover: 1. What is Soul writing. 2. How to tell if you are communicating with your Soul. 3. Ego mind and the 'Harsh Critic'. 4. What to expect from Soul writing. 5. Using crystals to create a writing portal. 6. Steps to start your Soul writing and practice time to hone your new skills. What you will receive: 1. PDF handbook that covers all the tools that you will use to connect to your inner invoice. 2. Pre-recorded hypnosis to download after the workshop to continue your practice. 3. Email support for up to 4 weeks to share your experiences with me and ask any questions. 4. ZOOM link to join the workshop upon payment. What you need: 1. A candle. 2. Pen and notepaper. 3. Comfortable chair and quiet room (you may like to have a blanket handy). 4. Headphones to create a more intimate experience. You don’t need any experience of meditation, nor do you need any previous knowledge of automatic writing. Tickets can be purchased online and are nonrefundable. I look forward to guiding you in connecting to our authentic voice.
Upcoming Sessions
Cancellation Policy
Cancellation Policy If you need to reschedule your session appointment, please call or text 0418 179 569 as soon as possible. A 50% fee applies to all appointments cancelled within 24 hours. For Workshops & Training See https://www.soulworksessential.com/training-and-workshop-policy for details.
Contact Details
+ 0418179569
The Private Sea Wellness Centre, Satu Way, Mornington VIC, Australia