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to my collection of heartfelt thoughts, reflections, and shared life stories. Here, you'll find insightful articles, thought-provoking perspectives, and practical strategies to inspire and uplift.

Carmela Pollock
4 min read
7 Things to Remember When You Think You're Not Good Enough
Feeling like you're not good enough can be overwhelming. Here are my 7 tips to hopefully get you back on the path to honouring your magic.

Carmela Pollock
3 min read
How To Reprogram Your Fear Based Response Exercise
Did you read the Soulworks Facebook post about fear yesterday? If not, here it is... 'Fear is an interloper. It pretends to be our...

Carmela Pollock
2 min read
The Key Ingredient To Start Your Healing Journey
The gentle process of a holistic approach encourages clients to accept the present moment....

Carmela Pollock
3 min read
Fly Free From Fear
Have you ever felt that knot in your stomach when fear takes over? For years, I lived with that constant companion, letting it dictate my...

Carmela Pollock
3 min read
Understanding Self Esteem & Identifying The Balance
We all know that self esteem sometimes referred to as self-worth or self-respect, can be an important part of success in life. Too little...

Carmela Pollock
2 min read
Taking Back Your Energy - A Daily Practice
I share this technique with clients to assist them to find clarity on a situation they have been trying too hard to manage and/or control....

Carmela Pollock
5 min read
'Raising Awareness One Story At A Time' - Endometriosis Month - March 2018
My journey with endometriosis and the pain l carried for many years drove me to create a new life from the pieces of the old....
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