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Soul Realignment

Unlock the secrets of your Soul

with the Akashic Records


What are the Akashic Records


Akasha is a Sanskrit word which means ether, primary or primordial substance out of which everything is formed. It surrounds us in entirety. It is a multi-dimensional library of light wherein all the information and wisdom pertaining to each and every soul ever incarnated is encoded in light. Your Akash is a record of your soul's journey and all the choices you have made in each lifetime. Essentially it contains all the information about your soul back to its origination from Source.  



Why would you request a Soul Realignment?


Feeling frustrated about not feeling fulfilled in your life.



Heal your energetic body and commit to a purposeful and fulfilling life.



You want to break free from life patterns that have limited your potential.



To make empowered new choices, to step into your mastery - your soul purpose.



Release negative karmic patterns, programs and imprints to step into your purpose



Experiencing difficulties in your relationships with others and want to know why.





'Show me the most damaged part of your soul,

and l will show you how it still shines like gold.'   

~ Nikita Gill


What you receive when you have an Akashic Reading


Deep dive into your Akashic record identifying - 




1. unique soul characteristics

2. soul specialisation, gifts

3. past life blocks

4. contracts you have agreed to at Soul level

5. karmic patterns repeating in your life

6. number of spirit guides you have

7. any other matters as revealed by your soul

Powerful and customised energy clearing and healing to remove anything standing in your way of transforming your life and enabling you to move forward.


We connect on a 60 minute session on ZOOM where l share my findings. 

(Physical attendance is not required. The reading and clearing is done remotely for your convenience).


A complimentary recording of the reading will be made available to you.   

Access and live from the magnificence of your Soul


Readings for children


A parent can request a reading on a child's behalf. Confirmation is obtained by accessing the records to request permission. If blocks are identified, the reading cannot be completed and your investment will be refunded.   

How to order

Submit your order by clicking the 'Invest in You' button (payment options are Paypal and direct debit). There are no payment plans available.

Once we receive the order, we will contact you by email and request the following:

1. Current full name and full name at birth

2. Date of birth

3. Place of birth

4. Contact email

5. Two areas of your life that you are facing challenges. (This is optional). 


All personal information received will be treated strictly confidential. See our Privacy Policy for details.


We will email you to organise a time for the reading once it is completed. A reading will take up to 5 days upon receipt of payment.  

Click below to book your Akashic reading

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