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Quantum Healing
Hypnosis Technique


​What is Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique (QHHT)?


Dolores Cannon developed and perfected her unique method of hypnosis, Quantum Healing Hypnosis Techniqueâ„  (QHHT®), over several decades and thousands of QHHT® sessions. Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique (QHHT) was created and refined by the late Delores Cannon.  ï»¿With four decades as a past life regressionist and hypnotherapist, she worked with thousands of clients in many countries all over the world. QHHT started many years ago, with the exploration of past lives - otherwise known as 'Past Life Regression'. Today, with the expansion of human consciousness, more than just past lives are available to experience.  Some people experience future lives, parallel lives, lives on other planets, and lives in other dimensions. Some people visit the spirit side whilst some people find themselves in the Akashic Records reviewing their 'Book of Life'.


QHHT was developed to access that all knowing part of ourselves that has been called 'The Higher Self' or 'The Oversoul'. It enables all people from any background, culture, religion or belief system to engage with their 'Higher Self',  to access that greater part of themselves that has unlimited knowledge and ability to reveal emotional truths and heal the physical body. Sometimes mental and physical ailments are rooted in trauma from past lives; sometimes they are connected to lessons being learned in a person’s present life. The Higher Self reveals the cause and will assist according to the soul’s particular lessons. 



Why Would Someone Wish to Experience a QHHT Session?

Any number of reasons! Some people are looking for help with healing physical issues or diseases. Other people have emotional issues or relationship problems. Some people want to know what their life purpose is, or if they are on the right path. Still, others have questions about reality and consciousness itself and are looking for answers.

A QHHT session is a transformative and powerful experience. It will open your mind, heart and imagination. It will allow you to have great clarity towards life and to make changes that support your growth in all levels. I personally have witnessed profound physical and emotional healing and watched as clients’ struggles were made understandable, dissipated and then they moved on in their life in a much happier and healthier way. 


​The Session and You


QHHT focuses on the concept that the client will go to "the most appropriate time and place" to address any requests for healing or information. During a QHHT session, you may experience one or more "lives", then we continue on and make a connection to your Higher Self, that part of us that Dolores Cannon called the Subconscious. There we can discover deep and profound connections of those "lives" to your current life situation, to ask for answers and get appropriate healing.


Clients attend a session with a list of life questions. These questions are answered by the Higher Self and appropriate healing received. Click here to watch a TV interview in the U.S. (dated March 15, 2015) where fellow practitioner Suzanne Spooner eloquently explained what QHHT is with a client sharing her own experience.


The key to a successful and transformative session is an open mind and a willingness to let healing happen. To understand more about QHHT, please visit the Dolores Cannon Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique website or watch this video


"An amazing journey to my soul that unravelled so much for me.  The most positive and expansive experience.'

~ Julianne O, Victoria

1. Preparing for Your Session

1. Clients should eat a healthy and hearty breakfast as the session can be pretty long.

2. Refrain from using any drugs or alcohol on the morning of the session.

3. Wear comfy clothes; you'll be lying down for your session.

4. Bring your lists of "Life" and "Physical/Body" questions.

5. Clear your calendar - you may not want to do too much after you've been time-travelling. 


2. The Session

We are meeting for a reason, and that reason always comes from a place of love. Allow yourself to believe in what you are experiencing. Have the intent to receive the answers and the help that you need and want. We are on the same side - you and I. We both want what is best for you: peace, joy, relief, clarity, health, wellness, abundance, love, harmony and freedom. Remember, the key to a successful and transformative session is an open mind and a willingness to let healing happen. You deserve to thrive in this life, so let's make it happen!


3. Post Session

Clients will be provided with a recording. Listening to this recording for days, weeks, even months after the session is absolutely crucial for your healing. Each time you listen, it can trigger something new in you. This is of the utmost importance. If you have any questions or concerns after your session, please call or email me. I am so happy to hear from clients. If you need a tune-up - which I have had myself a few times, please schedule another appointment. You will have a totally different set of questions and a completely different session with each visit. 


Some information on this page courtesy of and


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Client Testimonials

"My QHHT session with Carmela has dramatically altered my life. After years of neck pain, teeth grinding and constant headaches, I have found relief. Since QHHT I have not had to wear my jaw splint, I have not been grinding my teeth and I have not had to constantly crack and massage my painful neck. QHHT has also taught me how to listen to, and trust, my own intuition and inner guidance. I feel so much more confident in my decisions and who I am. Carmela led me through QHHT with absolute professionalism and grace. I felt calm and supported throughout the session. I would highly recommend a QHHT session with Carmela and look forward to doing another one in the future. Thank you Carmela."

~ Kate H, Victoria, Australia

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