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New Growth


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Reiki Level 1 - The First Degree "SHODEN'


Mandatory Requirement:  N/A


Duration:  1 day


Level 1 is an individual's initiation into Reiki and is open to everyone. The focus in Level 1 is on opening the energy channels on a physical level, allowing the person to connect to the universal life force energy which flows from the cosmos and down through the crown, heart and hands.


Self Reiki treatments are important after a Level 1 study and attunement, for the goal of level 1 designation is to encourage students to focus on practising Reiki  on themselves, thereby working through their own emotional obstacles.


The Reiki 1 attunement or sacred ceremony is made up of 4 attunements delivered by the Reiki Master.  Many experience physical symptoms of energy in their palms after the attunement, including tingling. 


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Once you receive Reiki 1 certificate of completion, you are free to heal yourself and work on others on a no fee basis. You will need to complete Reiki Level 2 to practice professionally.


Course Content


The following is covered in one day: Reiki 1 training Reiki 1 training

  1. History of Reiki

  2. Four Holistic Bodies of Healing

  3. Power of intention

  4. Five Reiki Precepts and connection to the chakra system

  5. Energy anatomy - Chakra system and Auric Field basics and self-awareness

  6. Hand positions for Self Treatment 

  7. Hand positions for giving others Reiki (2 methods covered)

  8. Gassho & setting a healing intention 

  9. Understanding the Attunement process and 21day detox

  10. Using crystals, essential oils and colour in healing

  11. Giving Reiki to pregnant women, babies and children

  12. Reiki 1 attunements

  13. Reiki practice to build confidence


Course Facilitator Rei


Carmela Pollock is a holistic trained Counsellor, International Reiki Master Teacher, Quantum Healing Hypnosis practitioner and gifted intuitive. Combining her modalities and skills, she opens a space of compassion to journey and support adults and children across Australia and internationally.


Course Options R


Reiki Level 1 is offered as small group training or one-on-one. Go to Workshops & Training or contact Carmela 0418 179 569.   

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