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7 Things to Remember When You Think You're Not Good Enough

I have always had a non-conformist streak as a child that would, at times, cause an uproar in the family. I refused to abide by cultural traditions that did not honour men and women equally. My mother struggled with my rebellious nature, and my dad thought I was adopted because of my strong opinions and stance on all things women in our Italian family.

It has happened during my life that most of the important steps on my journey have not been met with approval from others. At first, some of my most dramatic steps in life were often considered foolish by those around me.

This rebellious nature can be a hard one sometimes. My family wasn't ready for something wildly and divinely rebellious, so loneliness set in and started the journey of doubting my heart and mind.

'Be gentle with yourself. You are a child of the universe, no less than the trees and the stars; you have a right to be here.'

~ Max Ehrmann

What l learnt in my self-esteem slide and deep dark hole is trying to meet someone else's expectations is a surefire way to erode your happiness and self-esteem. The 'not being good enough' mindset is coated with external influences. The resulting inner struggle reflects that we are not looking within and honouring the shining heart that beats there. If you're reading this blog and your mind chatter is 'I'm not good enough', here are my 7 tips to hopefully get you back on the path to honouring the magic in you.

1. The only comparing and competing you should be doing is with yourself

Be the best version of YOU. Be the change you want to see in YOURSELF. Allow the future vision of YOU to be your hero. The world needs your qualities and your heart, not a copycat.

2. Be kind and gentle with yourself - you're doing the best you can

You don't have to beat yourself up over not getting there or feeling better. As long as you can come away knowing you gave your best at the end of the day, that's all anyone can do. Think of a flower in a garden - it blooms at its own pace and shows its unique beauty as it does so. Continue reaching for the light and allow yourself to be nurtured.

3. Positive thinking is your birthright

The power of positivity is a gift to us from divine energy. If you want things to turn around, keep your faith, release fear and keep your focus on solutions.

4. Everyone makes mistakes

The positive perspective and truth about mistakes are that they are an opportunity to teach us something and allow us to grow. We are all students here; mistakes prove we are trying and doing our best. Success takes work, and mistakes are part of that.

5. There is more right with you than wrong with you

Even during our struggles, don't forget to focus on your strengths. We could probably write a long list when we switch our focus to what is right about ourselves. If you need to do that exercise, go ahead and do it! Focus on your strengths and what you do well.

6. What you do right now can create a better outcome

Nothing is written in stone unless it's the past. Even then, we can change the way we perceive it. The best way to move forward is to be present and put our focus on the now in a positive manner. Even when the negative appears, know you can correct it and move forward. It may take time, but it can be done. Start with the breath, one moment, one breath... that's it. With the breath comes peace, then clarity. Allow the future vision of you to be your hero. He or she waits for you in the stillness of the breath.

7. Be your sacred rebel and believe

Be your sacred rebel and be willing to be shown a different way to what has been and what others have said is or is not possible. The one thing l learned on my healing journey is that there is always another way - love's way. To believe in the miracles of healing and creating is genuinely limitless. We might have moments where we quake in our boots as we contemplate taking that next step - just know that's the sacred heart in you that loves life above all.

If you need guidance and support to get your confidence and self-esteem back on track, book a Holistic Counselling session with me.

Carmela Pollock is based in Mornington, Victoria, where she operates a successful private practice offering dynamic, holistic services, including individual counselling, group workshops, Reiki training and healing, past life regression, and mindfulness practices. She brings heart energy to every service, assisting clients in discovering their blueprint by guiding them to explore their inner world, dismantle unhelpful patterns, and build a new, values-based foundation. She inspires clients to reach higher and find self-inspiration, supporting them until they confidently walk their journey alone.

If you want to know more about Carmela, visit her website.


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